CONSTRUCTION LAW SEMINAR 2022 in Casino Velden at Wörthersee

At the Building Law Seminar 2022, Dr. Jeremias and Mag. Tucek, attorneys-at-law at ScherbaumSeebacher, gave a talk on the topic of “Selected Questions on Liability and Coverage of Damages for Planners and Local Building Supervision”. 

The focus was particularly on the high liability risk to which both planners as well as the local building supervision, are exposed. High claims for damages by the builder can result from incorrect cost calculations, failure to meet tight deadlines, planning that does not comply with building regulations or defects in the execution.

On the basis of practical examples, Mag. Tucek presented the most important liability traps, while Dr. Georg Jeremias explained in which cases the insurance coverage for planners or the local construction supervision takes effect. 

mag. Simon Tucek

Arhitekturno in inženirsko pravo
Civilno pravo
Gradbeno (odškodninsko) pravo

Dr. Georg Jeremias

Gradbeno (odškodninsko) pravo
Zavarovalno pogodbeno pravo
Civilno pravo