“Existing liabilities for premises”: Joint event by ScherbaumSeebacher and ZIVILTECHNIKER-FORUM

On 24 October, ScherbaumSeebacher held an event in cooperation with the ZIVILTECHNIKER-FORUM. In the law firm’s office in Graz, Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Rabl, Ing. Harald Kraus (both from Norbert Rabl Ziviltechniker GmbH), MMag. Marco Riegler and Mag. Simon Tucek (both from ScherbaumSeebacher) spoke about  “Existing liabilities for premises”. Dr. Georg Seebacher, partner of ScherbaumSeebacher, moderated the event. More than 60 participants from the construction and real estate industry were in attendance.


MMag. Marco Riegler

Delovno pravo
Pravo o trgovskem zastopstvu / Trgovsko zastopstvo
Skladnost poslovanja (compliance)

Dr. Georg Seebacher

Arhitekturno in inženirsko pravo
Gradbeno (odškodninsko) pravo
Pravdni postopki

Mag. Simon Tucek

Arhitekturno in inženirsko pravo
Civilno pravo
Gradbeno (odškodninsko) pravo