New publication: Dr. Gerold Oberhumer as co-author of the new standard work on inheritance law

“There will always be arguments and deaths”, says our partner Dr. Gerold Oberhumer, inheritance law expert and co-author of the Handbook on Inheritance Law, now published in its second edition by Austrian publisher MANZ and edited by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Ferrari and Dr. Gundula Maria Likar-Peer.

The 2nd edition of this inheritance law “classic” covers the entire case law and literature as well as the legal situation after the major inheritance law reform in 2015 and the “EuErbVO” (European Inheritance Regulation).

Dr. Gerold Oberhumer, the long-standing head of our Private Clients Department, has written the chapters on bequests, legal transactions inter vivos on death, companies and corporate law, and private foundations and inheritance law.

Order here (German only)

dr. Gerold M. Oberhumer

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