Expert article in Trend on „Labour law: changes to parental part-time work, care leave and partial retirement“ by ScherbaumSeebacher

The year 2024 will bring significant changes to the labour law landscape. From parental part-time work and carers’ leave to important amendments to the Equal Treatment Act (GlBG) – the changes are extensive and show how important it is to stay up to date and seek professional advice. ScherbaumSeebacher expert partner MMag. Marco Riegler and lawyer Katharina Regitnig provide a well-founded overview of these important developments in “Trend”.

Part-time parental leave & parental leave: New rules have applied since November 2023: Parental leave can only be taken until the child’s 2nd birthday if it is split between both parents. If there is only one parent, the maximum period of parental leave is 22 months, except for single parents. Part-time parental leave can be taken until the child is 8 years old, with a maximum duration of 7 years. Agreed parental leave is unlimited in time.

Carer’s leave: The regulations have been extended to provide support not only to relatives in need of care outside the shared household, but also to flatmates.

Equal Treatment Act (GlBG): Protection against discrimination has been extended to include parental leave, carers’ leave and similar life situations.

Partial retirement models: From 2024, “blocked partial retirement” will be gradually abolished, while at the same time continuous partial retirement will become more flexible so that reductions in working hours within a calculation period can be organised more variably.

Retirement age for women: From 2024, a gradual harmonisation of the retirement age for women with that of men (65) is planned, to be completed by 2033.

Extended information obligations for part-time employees: Employers must inform part-time employees about jobs that become vacant and lead to a higher number of working hours.

You can find the detailed article on the changes to labour law here.