JUVE Ranking 2022: Trainees vote ScherbaumSeebacher as best training law firm

In this year’s JUVE associate survey, ScherbaumSeebacher was once again voted the best training law firm in Austria. As in the previous year, the firm stands out for providing a particularly high level of satisfaction among prospective lawyers in training for the bar examination. 

The prospective lawyer survey placed ScherbaumSeebacher in first place of the top 15 with an overall rating of 3.83 out of possible 4 points (“Fully satisfied”).

The complete JUVE ranking can be found here.

Dr. Norbert Scherbaum

Bančno pravo in pravo kapitalskih trgov
Insolvenčno pravo, prestrukturiranja, upravljanje stečajnih postopkov

Dr. Georg Seebacher

Arhitekturno in inženirsko pravo
Gradbeno (odškodninsko) pravo
Pravdni postopki