M&A Lounge #9 with ScherbaumSeebacher and Deloitte

On May 11, ScherbaumSeebacher and Deloitte hosted the ninth M&A Lounge – again in digital format. Moderated by Mag. Helmut Schmidt, Partner at ScherbaumSeebacher, and Dr. Frank Schiefersteiner (Deloitte), the discussion focused on “Hot Topics in Purchase Price Negotiations – Opportunities and Risks in a nutshell”. The distinguished speakers included Mag. Florian Thelen, attorney at law at ScherbaumSeebacher, Mag. Martin Walka (HANNOVER Finanz Austria) as well as Dr. Thomas Goeritzer (Deloitte).

The speakers talked about the opportunities and risks of various purchase price structures & mechanisms and outlined the expectations of potential buyers.


Mag. Helmut Schmidt LL.M.

Corporate law and M&A
International Contract Law
Private foundation law

Mag. Florian Thelen

Corporate law and M&A
Cross-border transactions
International Contract Law