Join ScherbaumSeenbachers next HR-Breakfast: „Strengthening employee loyalty through labour law?“

The next ScherbaumSeebacher HR Breakfast on March 14th in Graz is dedicated to a topic that is crucial to the success of every company: employee retention.

Labour law expert and ScherbaumSeebacher partner MMag. Marco Riegler and Eva Novak from Novak Consulting will show which “synergy effects” exist between labour law and employee retention and why managers should know and use them.

Using practical examples and an interdisciplinary expert dialogue, they will highlight along the employee lifecycle how labour law know-how strengthens effective personnel management and employee retention in day-to-day operations.

Following the presentation, the law firm invites you to a joint dialogue with the speakers.

You can register for the event by March 11th at the latest at

ScherbaumSeebacher is looking forward to an inspiring morning!