ScherbaumSeebacher hosts the ZIVILTECHNIKER-FORUM Graz

Together with the ZIVILTECHNIKER-FORUM, ScherbaumSeebacher hosted an event on May 23 in its offices in Graz on the subject of “The Civil Engineer (Company) and Succession”.

In a discussion attended by 86 visitors, the strategic, civil and corporate law, tax, business management and inheritance law aspects of this topic were discussed in detail. The speakers Dr Markus Feldgrill (SBF Steuerberatung OG), Arch. DI Markus Pernthaler (DI Markus Pernthaler Architekt ZT GmbH) and ScherbaumSeebacher lawyers Thomas Schwab and Dr Gerold Maximilian Oberhumer provided well-founded insights and encouraged lively discussions.

ScherbaumSeebacher partners Dr Georg Seebacher and Mag. Helmut Schmidt were responsible for the technical management and organisation.

Dr. Gerold M. Oberhumer

Company succession and private clients
Inheritance law
Post-marital distribution of assets

Mag. Helmut Schmidt LL.M.

Corporate law and M&A
International Contract Law
Private foundation law

Dr. Georg Seebacher

Architects' and engineers' law
Construction law
Insurance contract law